
See r.topmodel for GRASS 6 also.

Beven et al. (1995) wrote “TOPMODEL is not a hydrological modelling package. It is rather a set of conceptual tools that can be used to reproduce the hydrological behaviour of catchments in a distributed or semi-distributed way, in particular the dynamics of surface or subsurface contributing areas.”

Huidae Cho developed r.topmodel and r.topidx, the TOPMODEL modules for GRASS GIS, for his Master’s thesis in 2000 (Cho 2000) based on the original TOPMODEL source code (TMOD9502.FOR) and the following implementations have been developed based on his source code (Buytaert 2009, Conrad 2003):

In GRASS 7, many parameters have been removed because most of intermediate outputs can be created outside r.topmodel and complicate input/output specifications made the graphical user interface of the module somewhat difficult to understand and use.

1   Data requirements

  • Creating a topographic index statistics file
    • Input
      • topidx: Topographic index map
      • ntopidxclasses: Number of topographic index classes
    • Output
      • outtopidxstats: Output topographic index statistics file, which can be used for the topidxstats parameter later.
  • Running TOPMODEL
    • Input
      • parameters: Model parameters file
      • topidxstats: Topographic index statistics file
      • input: Model input file
      • timestep: OPTIONAL for generating output for this specific time step
      • topidxclass: OPTIONAL for generating output for this specific topographic index class
    • Output
      • output: Model output file
  • Creating a topographic index statistics file and running TOPMODEL using this statistics file
    • Input
      • topidx: Topographic index map
      • ntopidxclasses: Number of topographic index classes
      • parameters: Model parameters file
      • topidxstats: Topographic index statistics file. Give the same value as outtopidxstats to use this statistics file as input in the same run.
      • input: Model input file
      • timestep: OPTIONAL for generating output for this specific time step
      • topidxclass: OPTIONAL for generating output for this specific topographic index class
    • Output
      • outtopidxstats: Output topographic index statistics file, which will be used for the topidxstats parameter internally.
      • output: Model output file

2   Parameters file

The nch parameter (the number of distance increments) is automatically determined from pairs of d and Ad_r to avoid a mistake that the modeler forgets to update it after adding or removing them.

# Subcatchment name
Subcatchment 1

# A [m^2]: Total subcatchment area

# qs0 [m/h]: Initial subsurface flow per unit area
#		"The first streamflow input is assumed to represent
#		 only the subsurface flow contribution in the watershed."
#								- Liaw (1988)

# lnTe [ln(m^2/h)]: Areal average of ln(T0)

# m [m]: Scaling parameter

# Sr0 [m]: Initial root zone storage deficit

# Srmax [m]: Maximum root zone storage deficit

# td [h]: Unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit if greater than 0
#  OR
# -alpha: Effective vertical hydraulic gradient if not greater than 0.
# For example, -10 means alpha=10.

# vch [m/h]: Main channel routing velocity

# vr [m/h]: Internal subcatchment routing velocity

# infex: Calculate infiltration excess if not zero (integer)

# K0 [m/h]: Surface hydraulic conductivity

# psi [m]: Wetting front suction

# dtheta: Water content change across the wetting front

# d [m]: Distance from the catchment outlet
#		The first value should be the mainstream distance from
#		the subcatchment outlet to the catchment outlet.
# Ad_r:  Cumulative area ratio of subcatchment (0.0 to 1.0)
#		The first and last values should be 0 and 1, respectively.

#   d  Ad_r
    0   0.0
 1000   0.2
 2000   0.4
 3000   0.6
 4000   0.8
 5000   1.0

3   Input file

For unit consistency over all input parameters, lengths are in meters and times are in hours except for rainfall and potential evapotranspiration time series, which are in time steps (dt).

The input file contains weather data like rainfall and potential evapotranspiration. Its format is like the following (a comment line starts with #):

# dt [h]: Time step

# R [m/dt]:  Rainfall
# Ep [m/dt]: Potential evapotranspiration

# R             Ep
0.000033        0.000000
0.000053        0.011938
0.004821        0.000000

4   Creating input data

It is very important to set the region and resolution correctly to avoid known issues with r.topidx. The following command will allow you to use the region and resolution of the elevation map (dem in this document) for further analysis.

g.region rast=dem

Create a drainage map (drain). Note that you don’t need to fill sinks in the elevation map because r.watershed uses a least-cost algorithm.

r.watershed elevation=dem drainage=drain

You will need a watershed boundary map (basin) to define the study area. You can find the coordinates of the watershed outlet (coord) by using the GUI of r.water.outlet interactively.

r.water.outlet input=drain output=basin coord=-109050.647255,1141527.27768

Now, you have to find the longest flow path (lfp vector) using this method.

Once you got lfp, use the following command to create outlet points (outlets) for subbasins along the longest flow path (LFP). This example creates subbasin outlets at every 10% of LFP. You can change this distance as you like. First, find the LFP category.

v.db.select -fc map=lfp columns=cat | head -1

Let’s say 123 is the category of LFP reported above. Create outlet points.

v.segment input=lfp output=outlets<<EOF
P 1 123 -10%
P 2 123 -20%
P 3 123 -30%
P 4 123 -40%
P 5 123 -50%
P 6 123 -60%
P 7 123 -70%
P 8 123 -80%
P 9 123 -90%

Now, you can create a subbasin vector at each outlet. Print the coordinates of all the outlets using the following command.

v.to.db -p map=outlets option=coor

Take x, y coordinates above and create subbasins at those outlets.

r.water.outlet input=drain output=subbasin1 coord=x1,y1 
r.water.outlet input=drain output=subbasin2 coord=x2,y2 

Or, you can use the following shell script to automate the above two steps.

for coord in `v.to.db -p map=outlets option=coor | sed '/cat/d; s/^.*|\(.*\)|\(.*\)|.*$/\1,\2/'`
        r.water.outlet input=drain output=subbasin$i coord=$coord --o
        i=`expr $i + 1`

Pairs of distance and area, d and Ad_r pairs in the parameters file, can be obtained as follows. The following shell script assumes that the entire study area is located at the end point of LFP (i.e., the first line in output is 0 0). This script divides LFP into 10 pieces (“0 0” + “$i -le 9”), but you can change 9 to any number you want.

echo "0 0"
total_area=`r.stats -an --q input=basin | sed 's/^[^ ]* //'`
total_length=`v.to.db -p --q map=lfp option=length | sed '/cat/d; s/.*|//; q'`
while [ $i -le 9 ]
        area=`r.stats -an --q input=subbasin$i | sed 's/^[^ ]* //'`
        perl -e 'printf "%f %f\n", '"0.1*$i*$total_length, ($total_area-$area)/$total_area"
        i=`expr $i + 1`
echo "$total_length 1"

Now, you have a list of distance and area pairs that define the study area. Create a parameters file (params.txt) and an input file (input.txt) based on the data requirements section in this document. Use the watershed boundary map (basin) as a mask to avoid unnecessary calculations outside the study area.

r.mask raster=basin

Create a topographic index map (topidx) using r.topidx.

r.topidx input=dem output=topidx

Create a topographic index statistics file (topidxstats.txt) by dividing the topographic index map into a number of classes (ntopidxclasses 30).

r.topmodel -p topidx=topidx ntopidxclasses=30 outtopidxstats=topidxstats.txt

Finally, you can run TOPMODEL and create an output file (output.txt).

r.topmodel param=params.txt topidxstats=topidxstats.txt input=input.txt output=output.txt

5   Calibrating model parameters using R

The following R script can read and write the parameters file:

write_rtopmodel_params <- function(file="params.txt",
				   qs0=NULL, lnTe=NULL, m=NULL, Sr0=NULL,
				   Srmax=NULL, td=NULL, vch=NULL, vr=NULL,
				   infex=NULL, K0=NULL, psi=NULL, dtheta=NULL){
	lines <- readLines(file)
	params <- read_rtopmodel_params_from_lines(lines)

	if(is.null(qs0) && is.null(lnTe) && is.null(m) && is.null(Sr0) &&
	   is.null(Srmax) && is.null(td) && is.null(vch) && is.null(vr) &&
	   is.null(infex) && is.null(K0) && is.null(psi) && is.null(dtheta))

		params$params$qs0 <- qs0
		lines[params$linenos[1]] <- as.character(qs0)
		params$params$lnTe <- lnTe
		lines[params$linenos[2]] <- as.character(lnTe)
		params$params$m <- m
		lines[params$linenos[3]] <- as.character(m)
		params$params$Sr0 <- Sr0
		lines[params$linenos[4]] <- as.character(Sr0)
		params$params$Srmax <- Srmax
		lines[params$linenos[5]] <- as.character(Srmax)
		params$params$td <- td
		lines[params$linenos[6]] <- as.character(td)
		params$params$vch <- vch
		lines[params$linenos[7]] <- as.character(vch)
		params$params$vr <- vr
		lines[params$linenos[8]] <- as.character(vr)
		params$params$infex <- infex
		lines[params$linenos[9]] <- as.character(infex)
		params$params$K0 <- K0
		lines[params$linenos[10]] <- as.character(K0)
		params$params$psi <- psi
		lines[params$linenos[11]] <- as.character(psi)
		params$params$dtheta <- dtheta
		lines[params$linenos[12]] <- as.character(dtheta)
	writeLines(lines, file)


read_rtopmodel_params <- function(file="params.txt"){
	lines <- readLines(file)
	params <- read_rtopmodel_params_from_lines(lines)


read_rtopmodel_params_from_lines <- function(lines){
	linenos <- c()
	params <- list()
	l <- 0
	for(i in 1:length(lines)){
		line <- lines[i]
		if(line == "" || substr(line, 1, 1) == "#")
		l <- l + 1
		if(l == 1)

		x <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$", "", line),
					 "[ \t]+")[[1]])
		if(l >= 3 && l <= 14 && length(x) >= 1 && !is.na(x[1])){
			linenos[l-2] <- i
			if(l == 3)
				params$qs0 <- x[1]
			else if(l == 4)
				params$lnTe <- x[1]
			else if(l == 5)
				params$m <- x[1]
			else if(l == 6)
				params$Sr0 <- x[1]
			else if(l == 7)
				params$Srmax <- x[1]
			else if(l == 8)
				params$td <- x[1]
			else if(l == 9)
				params$vch <- x[1]
			else if(l == 10)
				params$vr <- x[1]
			else if(l == 11)
				params$infex <- x[1]
			else if(l == 12)
				params$K0 <- x[1]
			else if(l == 13)
				params$psi <- x[1]
				params$dtheta <- x[1]

	list(linenos=linenos, params=params)

read_rtopmodel_output <- function(file="output.txt", name="Qt"){
	column <- ifelse(name=="Qt", 12,
		  ifelse(name=="qt", 23,
		  ifelse(name=="qo", 34,
		  ifelse(name=="qs", 45,
		  ifelse(name=="qv", 56,
		  ifelse(name=="S_mean", 67,
		  ifelse(name=="f", 78,
		  ifelse(name=="fex", 89, 12))))))))
	lines <- readLines(file)
	start <- 0
	output <- c()
	for(i in 1:length(lines)){
		line <- lines[i]
		if(substr(line, 1, 10) == "  timestep"){
			start <- i
		output[i-start] <- as.numeric(substr(line, column, column+9))


You can use any optimization algorithm for calibrating the model parameters. The following R scripts are meant to be used with ispso:

par.name <- c("qs0", "lnTe", "m", "Sr0", "Srmax", "td", "vr", "K0", "psi", "dtheta")
par.dim <- length(par.name);
par.min <- c(0, -7, 0.001, 0, 0.005, 0.001, 50, 0.0001, 0.01, 0.01)
par.max <- c(50, 10, 0.25, 0.01, 0.08, 40, 2000, 0.2, 0.5, 0.6)

run_rtopmodel <- function(x){
	cmd <- function(...) system(sprintf(...))

	if(length(x) != par.dim)

	x[x<0] <- 0
	x[x>1] <- 1

	sink("x.txt", append=TRUE)
	cat(x, "\n")

	parval <- par.min+(par.max-par.min)*x

	sink("parval.txt", append=TRUE)
	cat(parval, "\n")

	write_text <- "write_rtopmodel_params(\"params.txt\""
	for(i in 1:par.dim)
		write_text <- paste(write_text, ",", par.name[i], "=", parval[i], sep="")
	write_text <- paste(write_text, ")", sep="")
	cmd("GRASS_VERBOSE=-1 r.topmodel --o param=params.txt topidxstats=topidxstats.txt input=input.txt output=output.txt")

obs <- read.table("obs.txt")[[1]]

cmd <- function(...) system(sprintf(...))

ns <- c()
run <- 0

set_parameters <- function(s){
	# Plot method
	#s$.plot_method <- "density"
	#s$.plot_method <- "movement"
	#s$.plot_method <- sprintf("%s,species", s$.plot_method)
	s$.plot_method <- ""
	s$.plot_delay <- 0

	# Swarm size
	#s$S <- 10 + floor(2*sqrt(s$D))
	s$S <- 20

	# Maximum particle velocity
	s$vmax <- (s$xmax-s$xmin)*0.1

	# Maximum initial particle velocity
	s$vmax0 <- diagonal(s)*0.001

	# Stopping criteria: Stop if the number of exclusions per particle
	# since the last minimum is greater than exclusion_factor * max sol
	# iter / average sol iter. The more difficult the problem is (i.e.,
	# high max sol iter / average sol iter), the more iterations the
	# algoritm requires to stop.
	s$exclusion_factor <- 3
	# Maximum iteration
	s$maxiter <- 1000
	# Small positive number close to 0
	s$xeps <- 0.001
	s$feps <- 0.0001

	# Search radius for preys: One particle has two memories (i.e., x and
	# pbest).  When two particles collide with each other within prey, one
	# particle takes more desirable x and pbest from the two particles'
	# memories, and the other particle is replaced with a quasi-random
	# particle using scrambled Sobol' sequences (PREY).
	s$rprey <- diagonal(s)*0.0001

	# Nesting criteria for global and local optima using particles' ages
	s$age <- 10

	# Speciation radius: Li (2004) recommends 0.05*L<=rspecies<=0.1*L.
	s$rspecies <- diagonal(s)*0.2

	# Nesting radius
	s$rnest <- diagonal(s)*0.01


s <- list()
s$f <- function(x){
	run <<- run + 1

	sim <- read_rtopmodel_output(name="Qt")

	ns[run] <<- 1-sum((sim-obs)^2)/sum((mean(obs)-obs)^2)
	sink("ns.txt", append=TRUE)
	cat(ns[run], "\n")
	printf("%d: %f\n", run, ns[run])

s$D <- par.dim
s$xmin <- rep(0, s$D)
s$xmax <- rep(1, s$D)
s <- set_parameters(s)

ret <- ispso(s)

bestx <- ret$pop[which(ret$pop[,"f"]==min(ret$pop[,"f"])),1:s$D]
bestpar <- par.min+(par.max-par.min)*bestx
names(bestpar) <- par.name

print("Best Parameters")

You should run doit.R within a GRASS session by sourcing the file.

> source("doit.R")

6   Comparison of data files with the original TOPMODEL

6.1   Topmod.run

The original TOPMODEL (TMOD9502) requires one meta input file (topmod.run) and three data files. Topmod.run specifies three input files and the output file:

Title of the simulation

6.2   Inputs.dat

The format of inputs.dat is almost the same as that of the input file of r.topmodel except for observed flows:

NSTEPautomatically determined from R and Ep pairsnumber of time steps
DTdt (input file)time step
RR (input file)rainfall
PEEp (input file)evapotranspiration
QOBSremoved in GRASS 7, it’s the user’s responsibility to calculate the model performanceobserved flow

6.3   Subcat.dat

Subcat.dat contains information about the topographic index of the watershed:

ACH D . . .
NSConly one subcatchment is supportednumber of subcatchments
IMAPnot implemented in TMOD9502
IOUTlevel of output
SUBCATsubcatchment name (parameters file)subcatchment name
NACautomatically determined from the topidxstats filenumber of topographic index classes
AREAA (parameters file)subcatchment area, TMOD9502: proportion of total area, r.topmodel: total area (note that r.topmodel supports only one subcatchment)
AC2nd column in the topidxstats filedistribution of area with topographic index, sum to 1
ST1st column in the topidxstats filetopographic index value
NCHautomatically determined from d and Ad_r pairsnumber of channels
ACHAd_r (parameters file)cumulative distribution of area with distance D or d from outlet
Dd (parameters file)distance from subcatchment outlet
MAPFILEnot implemented in TMOD9502

6.4   Params.dat

Params.dat contains various information about the initial status of the model:

SUBCATSubcatchment name (parameters file)subcatchment name
SZMm (parameters file)scaling parameter
T0lnTe (parameters file)areal average of the soil surface transmissivity
TDtd (parameters file)unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit
CHVvch (parameters file)main channel routing velocity
RVvr (parameters file)internal subcatchment routing velocity
SRMAXSrmax (parameters file)maximum root zone storage deficit
Q0qs0 (parameters file)initial subsurface flow per unit area
SR0Sr0 (parameters file)initial root zone storage deficit
INFEXinfex (parameters file)calculate infiltration excess if not zero
XK0K0 (parameters file)surface hydraulic conductivity
HFpsi (parameters file)wetting front suction
DTHdtheta (parameters file)water content change across the wetting front

6.5   Topmod.out

Topmod.out contains the result of a simulation.

q(it)qttotal flow per unit area (m/timestep)
quzqvvertical flux (m/timestep)
qqssubsurface flow per unit area (m/timestep)
sbarS_meanmean saturation deficit in the watershed (m)
qofqosaturation overland flow per unit area (m/timestep)
Qttotal flow (m3/timestep)

7   Example


This example will give you a better idea of how to prepare input data. The zip file contains r.topmodel_ex/tmod9502 and r.topmodel_ex/r.topmodel directories. Basically, the two models are the same except that the former is for TMOD9502 and the latter is for r.topmodel.

8   Manual pages

9   References

Beven, K., Lamb, R., Quinn, P., Romanowicz, R., Freer, J., 1995. TOPMODEL. In: Singh, V.P. (Ed.), Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology. Water Resources Publications, pp. 627-668.

Buytaert, W., 2009. TOPMODEL. https://source.ggy.bris.ac.uk/wiki/Topmodel, accessed on November 9, 2015.

Cho, H., 2000. GIS Hydrological Modeling System by Using Programming Interface of GRASS. Master’s Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea.

Cho, H., Kim, D., Lee, K., 2014. Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of TOPMODEL Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Journal of the Korean Water Resources Association 47 (3), 285-295. doi:10.3741/JKWRA.2014.47.3.285.

Cho, H., Park, J., Kim, D., 2019. Evaluation of Four GLUE Likelihood Measures and Behavior of Large Parameter Samples in ISPSO-GLUE for TOPMODEL. Water 11 (3), 447. doi:10.3390/w11030447.

Conrad, O., 2003. SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.1.3) Module TOPMODEL. http://www.saga-gis.org/saga_module_doc/2.1.3/sim_hydrology_2.html, accessed on November 9, 2015.

Liaw, S.C., 1988. Streamflow Simulation Using a Physically Based Hydrologic Model in Humid Forested Watersheds. Dissertation, Colorado State University, CO. p163.